Mebius Eging Series

2018, YAMAGA Blanks releases new eging series. We have put our accumulated techniques and knowledges into “Mebius” series.
We think that there are lots of meanings we release new eging rod series on our 10th anniversary of foundation.
We have a hunger to build eging rod with high performance, superior durability and low budget while taking advantage of our skills and technology.
We hope that fishing rod from YAMAGA Blanks is going to be used by much more anglers. That is ambition what we put into Mebius series.
It is quite difficult to keep low budget while pursuing performances and quality.
But we have succeeded to achieve those elements as making extensive use of our techniques of design and quality of factory.
That is how we build fishing rods and once you fish with Mebius series you will definitely know as much about our policy and performance of blanks.
We offer you 6 different type of character for Mebius series as such as short length, light weight model or medium heavy class to cover various situation that you are going to face.
Of course you can take one as main rod, you can also take one as a substitution for specific circumstances.
We put our full of passion, spirit, knowledges and techniques of YAMAGA Blanks as a rod manufacturing bland into this Mebius series.

Mebius 710L
Lure: Egi 1.8~3.5(~21g)
Line: PE 0.3~0.6(Up to 16lb)
Mebius 88L
Lure: 2.5~3.5号(~21g)
Line: PE 0.4~0.8(Up to 16lb)
Mebius 85ML
Lure: Egi 2.5~3.5(~24g)
Line: PE 0.5~0.8(Up to 16lb)
Mebius 79M
Lure: Egi 2.5~4.0(~28g)
Line: PE 0.5~1(Up to 16lb)
Mebius 86M
Lure: Egi 2.5~4.0(~30g)
Line: PE 0.5~1(Up to 16lb)
Mebius 83MH
Lure: Egi 3~4.5(~35g)
Line: PE 0.6~1.2(Up to 16lb)

Mebius Comparison Load 500g
These are comparison images of Mebius series which are loaded 500g weight on tip. Mebius series have been loaded more flexibility than calista series to get more versatility and usability. We have focused on cast feeling of Mebius series. Wide range of release point and repulsive force will provide you excellent feeling and distance of cast. Comfortability of casting and toughness as eging rod are directly linked to versatility for aiming at various target. Enough versatility that to be used for horse mackerel, rockfish, black sea bream, seabass or light jigging game is hidden in those blanks.
※These images are not illustrated on the full potential or characteristics of rods. Please understand that these pictures are taken under the limited situation, it was loaded with weight on rods gentry.