BLUE REEF GT(2021年生産終了) Discontinued product / 生産終了品 Series

BLUE REEF Bending Curve
※Discontinued in 2021
GT game... Although GT bite lure aggressively and fight extremely hard, you will be required to manipulate lure as carefully and delicately as possible to get result.
Of course rod for GT is required versatility to be adjusted various lures which has been segmetalized to catch selective fish. We have tested these 3 models at tough field such as Tanegashima or Tokara islands over and over to shape our ideal of GT rod. Lightness to cast all day long, usability to respond anglers will, toughness and torque to keep initiative…reconcile these conflicting elements. We dedicate these series to anglers who are pursuing and aiming GT seriously.

BlueReef 711/8 StickBait(2021年生産終了)
Lure: Max 160g
Line: Max PE 8
BlueReef 80/8 Dual(2021年生産終了)
Lure: Max160g
Line: Max PE8
BlueReef 711/10 Dual(2021年生産終了)
Lure: Max 200g
Line: Max PE 10
BlueReef 710/10 Chugger(2021年生産終了)
Lure: MAX 220g
Line: MAX PE 10

To stop GT that is swimming to the bottom of the sea while weighting on the rod, BLUE REEF series have been loaded more strength than BlueSniper series. Fulcrum point of bending curve have been set little farther than BlueSniper series so we recommend you to fight while shifting your own weight. Of course it will be worked well for king fish game that you are required to choose rod more than 6 power.
BlueReef710/10 have been designed for popper mainly. So it is little stiffer than 711/8 and 711/10 so you will sense repulsive force directly on your hand. You will be required body weight and physical strength to make it bend. So if you are not sure about it but still want to use popper, we recommend you to choose 711/10.