HOME » REPORT » ロッド別カテゴリー » BlueSniper Shore » イスラエル アカハタ BlueSniper 95MMH

イスラエル アカハタ BlueSniper 95MMH


ご使用ロッドはBlueSniper 95MMH!

(現在は廃盤となり97MMH NANOが後継機種となりました。)

Rod: BlueSniper 95MMH
Reel: Shimano Stella 5000 pg
Lure: Silicone delalande yellow
Line: San line: PE2.5
Shock Leader: Unitika 130 lb
Location: Israel
Angler : Mr.Nisim

95MMH was the latest model of previous Bluesniper shore casting series, so ability and potential of 95MMH is kind of close to models of New Bluesniper shore casting series. Also 95MMH is easiest to handle plug as such as diving pencil or even metal jig in the previous series of BlueSniper shore casting!!

Thank you awesome catches photo Mr.Nisim!

Q. What is the difference between BlueSniper 95MMH and 97MMH NANO?

A. The biggest difference between BS95MMH and 97MMH is Nanoalloy technology which is employed to butt section of BS97MMH. One attribute of the Nanoalloy-loaded rods is its unusual balance of bendiness and strength. 97MMH bend smoother depending on the load applied, yet its repulsive force is extremely stronger than 95MMH and instantaneously unleashed when the input from outside stops. This strong repulsive force will allow anglers to continuously apply good amount of pressure on fish, leading to short, efficient and fish-friendly fight. Which means physical burden of angler will be reduced scenically.